Documentary Ideas

Why branded clothes are important?


Week 1   11/11/14

In our documentary, we’re going to explain why do so many people wear clothes with brand on them. We discuss with my partner that we’re going film the film three to five minutes because it’s a short documentary and we don’t want to make it longer for the audience with that idea, we’re trying to send out a message to the audience. The location will be on the high streets (Carney Street) it’s easier to find global fashion shops close by rather than going to mainstream clothing shops


Week 2 18/11/14

We got feedback from our teacher and discuss about the documentary, how we can break it down in key steps. He gave us this structure how we can make this documentary easier for the both of us.


Why are brands so important?

Huge topic

Narrow the age group

No gender

No race

No religion

Location:Carney Street.

High brands only – Gucci, Prada, D&G

Needs an angle



Want them but cannot afford.

Is it a culture thing?

Is it because they come from poorer backgrounds?



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